With Andy back in the UK for the Christmas holidays, we both feel we can really put in some quality time on the van. It was great fun being able to work on the van and share some banter after six months of planning an expedition from different sides of the Atlantic. We achieved an awful lot today – these pictures speak for themselves…
Fitting Insulation. This insulation is thin, foil-based material which is made up of a series of air pockets. It’s extremely light-weight, cheap and malleable – perfect for our needs. Our tests have shown it can keep a cup of tea warm for over half-an-hour! And tea, as any workman knows, is vitally important… :o)
Planing the doorway to fit the lino-step, measuring out the lino and HEY PRESTO!
It’s good to be back!! :o)

London2Sydney team reunited & excited!!