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Diary online

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The London2Sydney diary is now online! We’re keeping a record of everything we’ve been doing as we prepare for our journey, and we’ve already made… Read More »Diary online

Strutting about…

While attempting to get a good night’s sleep in one of Squiffy’s upstairs bunks, the last thing we’d want is for her pop-up roof to come crashing down on us. Unfortunately, Squiffy’s pop-up roof had managed to convince us of its potential as a death-trap, and so demanded our attention. Once elevated, Squiffy’s roof was… Read More »Strutting about…

The engine saga begins…

With all the efforts going into Squiffy’s interior, we didn’t want to neglect the most important part of our van: the engine. We were going to be asking a lot of it come July, so we wanted to make sure that Squiffy was being propelled by an engine that was up to the challenge. Despite… Read More »The engine saga begins…

On carpeting a wall

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Feeling buoyant after yesterday’s successful day’s work we attacked the wall project again with vigour. With the insulation already in place, the next step was to trap it behind a sturdy piece of board which would also provide us with a secure surface onto which to mount our delightful carpet.